Utlysningar - Sverige

Här samlas utlysningar inom Sverige



Industry step – strategic important efforts

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten

This support feasibility studies as well as pilot, demo and investment projects within the industry that have the potential to contribute to climate adaption for the rest of society. The total budget for the Industry step is SEK 750 million for 2021

Closing date: None


Project grants for research and innovation within the sustainable expansion and business development of wind power

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten

These support projects that meet the challenges within the field of wind power by developing new solutions or building knowledge. The total budget is approximately SEK 35 million and grants are worth up to SEK 7m.

Closing date: 26 May 21


Kompetenscentrum för ett hållbart energisystem 

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten 

Dessa stöder etableringen kompetenscentrum där lärosäten och forskningsinstitut i samverkan med näringsliv och offentlig sektor genomför behovsmotiverad forskning kring de utmaningar vars lösningar är avgörande för en samhällsomställning till ett hållbart energisystem. Bidrag uppgår till mellan SEK 5 miljoner och SEK 20m per år under fem år.

Closing date: 31 May 21 


Strategic vehicle research and innovation – energy and environment

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten 

These support vehicle-related research, innovation and development activities in the areas of increased energy efficiency, drive systems for renewable fuels, electric power, local and regional environmental impact and other energy technology.

Closing date: 08 Jun 21


Energy and climate change in industry

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten 

This aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a more efficient use of energy and resources. The total budget is approximately SEK 40 million.

Closing date: 15 Jun 21


M-ERA-Net joint transnational call 2021


This supports transnational R&D projects addressing materials research and innovation including materials for low carbon energy technologies, future batteries technology and related production technologies. The total budget is worth approximately €60 million.

Closing date: 15 Jun 21


NordGrid Programme

Nordic Energy Research | Nordisk Energiforskning

This supports research, development and demonstration projects that investigate the challenge of decreasing the future digital vulnerability of the Nordic transmission system. At least three to five grants, worth up to €1.2 million for up to three years, are available.

Closing date: 16 Jun 21


Research and innovation grants for sustainable and bio-based society

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten

These support projects that, based on sustainable bio-based raw materials, have the potential to contribute to solving the energy and climate challenges that exist for Sweden. The total budget is approximately SEK 100 million.

Closing date: 23 Jun 21




Dessa möjliggör resa till konferenser, genomförande av examensarbete utomlands, samt besök vid utländskt universitet.

Closing date: 14 Aug 21  (Forecast)


Verification of energy innovations in small and medium sized enterprises

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten

These support the verification of new products and services which have a clear business focus and potential to contribute to the transformation of the energy system. Grants are worth up to SEK 2 million for up to two years.

Closing date: 25 Aug 21


Jämtlands Läns forskningsbidrag

Sparbanksstiftelsen Jämtlands Län

Dessa stöder forskning, gärna med tvärvetenskapligt upplägg, som avser frågor av betydelse för utveckling av vårt samhälle och för bevarande av vår miljö.

Closing date: 01 Sep 21


Blue Innovation – preparatory projects

Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning | Forskningsrådet för miljö, areella näringar och samhällsbyggande

This supports preparatory projects that enable needs owners together with other stakeholders to tackle a complex challenge with a direct or indirect impact on the aquatic environment. Grants are worth up to SEK 1.5 million between 12 and 18 months.

Closing date: 01 Sep 21


Design för energieffektiv vardag 

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten 

Dessa stöder projekt som kombinerar energiforskning med design- och beteendevetenskap i syfte att ta fram nya affärsmodeller, produkter, tjänster och kunskap som gör det enkelt att leva energieffektivt och hållbart. Den totala budgeten är SEK 20 miljoner. 

Closing date: 10 Sep 21  (Forecast)  


Tänk:Om – stipendier för hållbara idéer 

Göteborg Energi  

Dessa syftar till att stimulera kunskapslyft, informationsspridning och innovativ och hållbar utveckling inom energiområdet. Den totala budgeten är värd SEK 800,000 och fördelas mellan flera stipendiater. 

Closing date: 13 Sep 21  (Forecast) 



Theodor Adelswärd Memorial Foundation | Forskraftstiftelsen Theodor Adelswärds Minne 

Dessa stöder studier inom ämnesområdet internationella organ, internationellt samarbete och internationella förhållanden som har särskilt fokus på fredsbevarande och konfliktlösande insatser, mänskliga rättigheter samt energi- och miljöfrågor. Bidrag är värda upp till SEK 100,000. 

Closing date: 15 Sep 21  (Forecast) 


Marine energy conversion programme 

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten 

This supports the development of wave power, current power, salinity gradient power and ocean thermal energy conversion, with the aim of improving cost-efficient, sustainable marine energy systems in Sweden. Grants are worth up to SEK 7 million each. 

Closing date: 21 Sep 21  (Forecast) 



Värme & Kraftföreningen 

Detta belönar studenter som genomfört examensarbete eller doktorsavhandlingar inom föreningens verksamhetsområde under höstterminen 2019 eller vårterminen 2020. Upp till två stipendier, värda SEK 25,000 var, finns tillgängliga. 

Closing date: 30 Sep 21   


Stipendium för examensarbete 


Detta syftar till att uppmuntra studenter som väljer att genomföra sitt examensarbete inom kemisk apparatteknik, processteknik, analytisk kemi, oorganisk kemi, elektrokemi och korrosionslära. Stipendiet är värt SEK 20,000 och kan komma att delas mellan flera deltagare. 

Closing date: 01 Oct 21 


Humans, energy systems and society 

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten 

This supports research projects within the social sciences and humanities or interdisciplinary that can increase the understanding of potential possibilities, risks and conflicts of interests associated with the transitioning into sustainable energy systems for all. Grants are worth up to SEK 9 million for between three and four years. 

Closing date: 03 Dec 21  (Forecast) 



Konung Carl XVI Gustafs 50-årsfond för vetenskap, teknik och miljö 

Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry | Kungliga Skogs– och Lantbruksakademien 

Dessa stöder forskning, teknisk utveckling och företagande som bidrar till uthålligt nyttjande av naturresurserna och bevarande av biologisk mångfald. Stipendier uppgår till mellan SEK 85,000 och SEK 100,000. 

Closing date: 11 Jan 22  (Forecast) 


Battery fund programme

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten

This supports research on battery recycling or batteries for electrical system and vehicle applications. The total budget is SEK 50 million.

Closing date: 03 Feb 22  (Forecast)


Develop the future hydropower

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten

This aims to contribute to the development of a sustainable Swedish hydropower, with a focus on system and environmental issues related to the hydropower area. The total budget is SEK 20 million and grans are worth up to SEK 4m per project.

Closing date: 04 Mar 22  (Forecast)


COMING SOON: Research grants


*** This opportunity will be available soon. The next call is expected to open on 7 February and close 7 March 2022. The following information is subject to change. These grants support research and development projects in infrastructure, sustainability, materials, renewable sources, energy, security and the environment. ***

Closing date: 07 Mar 22  (Forecast)


Electronic components and systems – research and innovation projects


This supports projects that develop new knowledge or improve existing technology or products through collaboration in the area of electronic components and systems. Grants are worth up to SEK 4 million and cover up to 50 percent of the project’s costs for up to two years.

Closing date: 11 Mar 22  (Forecast)


R&D grant from the J Gustaf Richert Foundation


These promote research, teaching and education in environmental protection, energy, community building and transport technology, among other things with regard to technical-economic analysis in the mentioned areas. The total budget is approximately SEK 11 million.

Closing date: 31 Mar 22  (Forecast)


Innovation race

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten

Detta belönar innovativa energilösningar och energiteknikföretag. Första pris är värt SEK 100,000, andra pris är värt SEK 50,000, och tredje pris är värt SEK 25,000.

Closing date: 31 Mar 22  (Forecast)


Swedish Energy and Environmental Technology Association prize

Swedish Society of HVAC Engineers | Energi- och Miljötekniska Föreningen

This recognises innovative technology articles in building indoor environment, installation technology and energy technology.

Closing date: 05 Apr 22  (Forecast)


Preliminary studies and full-scale projects on fossil-free mobile work machines


These support research, development and market introduction related to fossil-free work machines. The total budget is SEK 50 million.

Closing date: 07 Apr 22  (Forecast)


Mistra innovation – 23

Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research | Stiftelsen för Miljöstrategisk Forskning

This supports research projects with a focus on environmental issues and sustainable development. The total budget for this call is SEK 25 million.

Closing date: 12 Apr 22  (Forecast)


Funding for initiatives around renewable electricity production at local and regional level

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten

These support the local and regional renewed electricity production in the form of business development. The total budget is worth approximately SEK 7 million and the grant is worth SEK 1.5m over three years.

Closing date: 21 Apr 22  (Forecast)



Risk and reliability analysis programme


This supports interdisciplinary meetings and exchanges of knowledge as well as strengthened competence and more efficient methods and tools to enable a more robust electricity network with a reduced risk of interruptions and errors. The total budget is SEK 14 million over five years.

Closing date: 01 Jan 23


POSTPONED: Anders Wall rural scholarship

Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry | Kungliga Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien

*** This opportunity is temporarily closed. The following information is subject to change. This scholarship enables individual young entrepreneurs to contribute to rural development. The scholarship is worth SEK 100,000. ***

Closing date: Not known


COMING SOON: Viable cities – energy-positive city districts

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten

*** This opportunity will be available soon. The next call is expected to open in September or October 2021. The following information is subject to change. These grants support Swedish participation in the pilot call within the European cooperation positive energy district for innovation and demonstration projects. The total budget is SEK 6 million divided between two or three projects. ***

Closing date: Not known


COMING SOON: Innovation clusters

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten

*** This opportunity will be available soon. The next call is expected to open on June 2021. The following information is subject to change. This call supports the development of bio-based solutions and value chains as well as increased knowledge and competence about how these should interact with each other and with other energy systems. The total budget frame for the programme is SEK 320 million ***

Closing date: Not known


KOMMER SNART: Medel för samarbetsprojekt med Indien inom smarta elnät 

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten 

*** Denna utlysning öppnas inom kort. Utlysningen beräknas öppna under våren 2020. Nedanstående information kan komma att ändras. Dessa medel stöder näringslivsdrivna bilaterala projekt mellan svenska och indiska aktörer inom området smarta elnät. Den totala budgeten för svenska aktörer är SEK 25 miljoner. *** 

Closing date: Not known 


KOMMER SNART: Medel för kompetenscentrum

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten

*** Denna utlysning öppnas inom kort. Utlysningen beräknas öppna efter sommaren 2020 och stänga under våren 2021. Nedanstående information kan komma att ändras. Dessa medel stöder etableringen av nätverk mellan akademi och näringsliv i syfte att trygga näringslivets långsiktiga konkurrenskraft och bidra till kunskapsutveckling och kompetensförsörjning hos energisystemets aktörer. ***

Closing date: Not known 


KOMMER SNART: Smart och förnybart energisystem på Gotland 

Swedish Energy Agency | Energimyndigheten 

*** Denna utlysning öppnas inom kort. Utlysningen beräknas öppna sent 2020 eller tidigt 2021. Nedanstående information kan komma att ändras. Dessa medel stöder utvecklings- och demonstrationsprojekt inom ett hållbart energisystem på Gotland. Den totala budgeten är SEK 2,4 miljoner. *** 

Closing date: Not known 

