IEA – Tracking Clean Energy Progress


Latest data on how well energy technologies and key sectors are doing in meeting long-term climate goals. Hint: not well.

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Autonomous vehicles, batteries and clean steel among 44 possible subjects for partnerships in the coming Horizon Europe R&D programme

Horizon Europe partnerships

Virtually all current joint undertakings are slated to continue in some form, alongside new partnerships on driverless cars, space, and clean steel

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KTH partner in the new EIT Urban Mobility


EIT Urban Mobility is dedicated to accelerating solutions that improve our collective use of urban spaces, while ensuring accessible, convenient, safe, efficient, sustainable and affordable multimodal mobility.

EIT Urban Mobility’s objective is to rethink urban spaces, overcoming fragmentation by integrating all urban mobility players – including cities and citizens – and increasing social inclusion and equality.

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Last chance to apply for a traineeship at the EIT

Deadline extended to 21 January 13:00 CET

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is launching a call for application for its traineeship programme for a period of three to six months for an intake in spring 2019.


Robert Andrén – new Director General of the Swedish Energy Agency


Robert Andrén efterträder Erik Brandsma som chef för Energimyndigheten, där han börjar 1 September.
Han kommer närmast från Miljö- och energidepartamentet där han var departementsråd och chef för energienheten. Tidigare, har han varit verksam vid Länsstyrelsen i Värmland, på Naturvårdsverket samt på Jordbruksdepartementet och Landsbygdsdepartementet.

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Short English version

Robert Andrén has been appointed new Director General of the Swedish Energy Agency. He comes directly from the Ministry of Environment and Energy, where he is director of the Energy Division. He will start his new job on September 1st.
