
STandUP Academy 2024

10-11 September

B192, Luleå University of Technology


Preliminary program 10 September

The electrification of Northern Sweden – Possibilities, challenges and implications for society

Introduction 09:00
Meet the moderator

Keynote speech 09:45
Mikael Nordlander, Vattenfall R&D

Session 1: Renewable electricity production 11:00

Lunch 12:00

Session 2: Electricity grids including flexibility 13:00

Session 3: Energy systems 14:30

Session 4: Electric and hybrid vehicles including batteries 16:00

Summary and concluding remarks 17:00

Mingle and award ceremony for best posters 18:00

Dinner 19:00



Preliminary program 11 September

Field trip 09:00 

We are currently planning a road trip to see destinations like Markbygden (wind park), Storforsen (the largest unregulated rapids in Europe), Porjus (hydroelectric plant), H2Green Steel in Boden and Northvolt in Skellefteå.


For questions and more information

Contact Cajsa Bartusch Kätting.
