STandUP for Energy Systems workshop

Dear colleagues of the STandUP for Energy community,

With the aim of promoting cross-disciplinary research and identifying fruitful partnerships for joint applications within the STandUP for Energy community, we hereby invite you to the second in a series of workshops on specific calls that fits these objectives.

The workshop focuses on the Swedish Energy Agency’s call “Doktorandprojekt inom Forskarskolan Energisystem (FoES)” (Graduate school in energy systems). The call is ideal for our purposes as proposals should include 2 to 3 PhD students from at least 2 different universities and at least 2 different academic disciplines (social sciences or humanities and natural or engineering sciences). Submission deadline for applications is 4 February 2019.

Date: Friday 6 December 2019

Time: 09:00-13:00 including lunch

Location: KTH, Stockholm (the room will be announced when the number of participants is known to us)

Please sign up for the workshop at your earliest convenience, but no later than 1 December, using this link.


Hope to see you there!

Kind regards,

Cajsa, STandUP for Energy coordinator at Uppsala University

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Date & Time

6 December 2019
09:00-13:00 including lunch


KTH, Stockholm

