Electric drives for automotive applications

The use of electric and hybrid electric drivelines in both passenger and heavy vehicles is now commonplace and with a continuously growing market share. At the same time, increased computational power and novel control algorithms enable opportunities to reduce energy consumption and/or improving various performance metrics of electric drives. Electrical machines and electric drives are therefore a vital part of the future electrical ecosystem in the global quest towards solutions to environmental challenges.

The overall goal of the research is to contribute towards realizing highly efficient, compact power electronics and electric machinery at competitive cost levels. Since the electric drive is operating in a vehicle environment, the field is multidisciplinary and potentials and limitations in terms of vehicle dynamics, energy storage systems, charging techniques and traffic infrastructure need to be taken into consideration.

The activities encompass design and analysis of novel electric machinery and electric drives for traction applications as well as corresponding auxiliaries. In recent years, focus has been put on modular converter and machine concepts in order to realize compact integrated electric drives. Further, design of electric machinery taking production aspects into account and the interaction between battery systems and power electronic loads are presently being investigated.

Automotive applications, battery technology, control of electric drives, electric machinery, power electronics.

Research Group

Project leader
Mats Leksell, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Other project members

Dr. Sjoerd Bosga (affiliated faculty)

Dept. Electric Power and Energy and Energy Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Dr. Christian Dubar (post doc)

Dept. Electric Power and Energy and Energy Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Mats Leksell, Senior research engineer

Dept. Electric Power and Energy and Energy Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Alexander Bessman, Ph.D. student

Dept. Applied Electrochemistry, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Konstantina Bitsi, Ph. D. student

Dept. Electric Power and Energy and Energy Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Mojgan Nikouei Harnefors, Ph. D. student

Dept. Electric Power and Energy and Energy Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Rudi Soares, Ph.D. student

Dept. Electric Power and Energy and Energy Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Hui Zhang, Ph.D. student

Dept. Electric Power and Energy and Energy Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Links and references


Additional funding (apart from StandUp for Energy)

Energimyndigheten, FFI, Swedish electromobility centre, Vinnova.
