Development and diagnostics of batteries for stationary energy storage


There is an increasing demand for energy storage in the electric grid to balance the uneven electricity production from renewable to the more regular needs of the consumers. As solar, and particular wind power, in Scandinavia will take a large share of themarket, energy storage will be needed to shift loads from windy days to days of no wind, or from low-consumption periods in summer to cold winter days. Batteries can be used for this and also have a potential to balance out noise on short-term basis, i.e., for frequencies regulation and peak shaving in over-or under production.


The aim of the work is to answer anumber of research questions that have to be answered for the introduction of batteries in the electric grid:

  • What technique or battery chemistry is the most suitable for each balancing service and size of installation?
  • What is the predicted lifetime of the system given a particular battery chemistry?
  • How can the present available battery types be adapted and further developed to particularly suit stationary storage?
  • Are there promising alternatives to existing commercially available technologies, or alternative components that can lower the costs, or increase lifetime, performance or sustainability, and what are the properties of these systems?

Research approach

In a number ofresearch projects we are addressing Li-based batteries; conventional Li-ion batteries (LiB), new and second-life ones, and novel designs, using a solid-state electrolyte. In addition, some aqueous-based systems are studied, including redox-flow batteries, MnO/Zn, and NiMH batteries. The group has a focus on electrochemical experiments in full-or half cells to characterize materials, electrodes and electrolytes. Specifically, the cell design, electrochemical properties,compatibility and balance of different components and design of the porous electrodes are addressed. Physics-based models are developed and used to interpret experimental data and to predict behavior and aging within the cells. In-situ characterization with mass spectrometry and spectroscopic techniques are also contributing to the understanding and quantification of the electrochemical and chemical processes taking place in the cells.The research is undertaken in collaboration with other academincgroups, research institutes and several companies.


Li-ion battery, redox-flow battery, MnO/Zn, NiMH battery, modelling

Project leaders

Prof.Göran Lindbergh, Prof.Rakel Wreland Lindström,Prof. Ann Cornell, Dr. Henrik Ekström, Dr Pontus Svens (Affiliated,Scania), Dr. Matilda Klett (Affiliated,Scania),Dept. of Chemical Engineering, KTH

Other project members

Dr. Amirreza Khataee, Dr. Petar Radjenovic, Mathilda Ohrelius, Paul Gratrex, Kevin Peuvot, Yasemin Duygu Yücel, Jenny Börjesson Axén, Cesario Ajpi Condori, Fabian Benavente Araoz, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Assoc. Prof Eric Tyrode, Assoc. Prof James Gardner, Dept. of Chemistry, KTH

Additional funding agency

Batterifondsprogrammet/Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten), SIDA, Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten), Batteries Sweden (BASE/Vinnova), SwedNess (Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF), SweGRIDS (Swedish Energy Agencyand corporate partners)
